Create your own shiratakibox out of 6 different pasta sorts.
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Shirataki Box – Pasta without calories and carbohydrates
Shirataki Noodles are noodles without carbohydrates and with no calories. With this pasta, you have the possibility, to eat your favorite pasta and rice dish without a bad feeling. There is a simple rule: Change your normal pasta and rice to shirataki pasta and rice and you will lose weight!
Whats the country of origin?
Shirataki noodles were made originally in japan. Shirataki Pasta and rice are popular in the asian cousine. They are perfect to lose weight.
What means the Name „Shirataki“
The name „Shirataki“ means white waterfall. The noodles look like ricenoodles.
Ingrdients Shirataki Noodles:
The noodles consist of the flour of the konjac root. Traditional shirataki noodles has no carbohydrates and nearly no calories. They are perfect to start a low carb diet. All products are glutenfree, this means also people with an gluten imcompatibility can eat them without any problems. In cause of the high amount of water in the noodles, they are really filling.
cal | 15 Kcal/63 KJ |
protein | 0g |
fat | <0,1g |
carbohydrate | <4g |
sugar | <0,1g |
saturated Fat | <0,1g |
unsaturated Fat | <0.1g |
dietary Fibre | 3,6g |
sodium | <5g |
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